欠けていた歯車廻して 世界は動き出す
蝕む運命に踏み込み 君へと告ぐ誓い
識り過ぎた"真実"留めて 崩壊するidea
君と共に求め続けた 未来へ
いつの日か祈りは報われ、裂け目に射す それは
迫り来る曇りを晴らして 遙かな道 照らす
Ah incarnate…
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
Keep going.
We are on our way to somewhere.
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
Keep going.
We are on our way to somewhere.
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
Keep going.
We are on our way to somewhere.
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
The only way to reach the light is to move on.
Keep going.
We are on our way to somewhere.
We can see the light of hope over there.
We are praying.
The song of sadness faded away.
We can see the light of hope over there.
We are praying.
The song of sadness faded away.
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